Parts of Speech
Language is essentially speech. Our speech consist of certain elements. They are called the Parts of Speech. In English words are divided into 8 classes according to their use and the work number namely
1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Adjective
4. Verb
5. Adverb
6. Preposition
7. Conjunction
8. Interjection
1. Noun: The Noun is a naming word. It is name of a person, place, animal or thing, quality, activity, concept or condition.
Eg: The Car makes a lot of noise.
Gold is a precious metal.
Seetha is a beautiful girl.
2. Pronoun: A Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun
Eg: He gave it to seetha.
This is my book.
That is your pen
3. Adjective: An adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun.
Eg: She looks very calm
He drank a little water
The sky is blue
We don't have much time.
I want some more book.
4. Verb: Verb is a word it describes the action or condition of the subject that is what the subject does, or what happens to it or what it is. A verb is a word expresses doing, being or possessing.
Eg: He is sleeping
She wrote a letter
She is playing music
Speak the truth
She dances well
5. Adverb: An adverb may be defined as a word that modifies a verb, an adjectives or another adverbs.
Eg: Copy this notes carefully
He ran very fast
He frequently comes late
He is certainly right.
He fought bravely.
You must get up early
6. Preposition: The preposition is a word, which is usually placed before a noun or pronoun to show the letter's relation to some other word in the sentence.
Eg: I put it in the box
He is coming by plane
I ran across the road
7. Conjunction: A conjunction may be defined as a word used together words, phrases or clauses.
Eg: He works hard to earn his bread and butter.
We started early so that we might not miss the show
8. Interjection: An interjection may be defined as a word which expresses a sudden feeling (Emotion, joy, surprise, sorrow, fear, anger etc.,)
Eg: Oh! That's so nice
i) Proper Noun: A proper noun is the name of a particular person or place.
Eg: Gopal is the name of a particular person.
Mumbai is the name of a particular place.
ii) Common Noun: A Common noun is a name which is common to any and every person or thing of the same kind.
Eg: King, man, city
iii) Collective Noun: A Collective noun is the name given to a number of persons or things grouped together as one.
Eg: The Crowd was very big
iv) Material Noun: A material noun denotes the matter or substances of which things are made.
Eg: Gold, Glass, Cotton
v) Abstract Noun: An abstract noun is the name of some quality, state or action that is imagined or which cannot be seen.
Eg: Quality - Cleverness, goodness
State - Poverty, youth
Action - Theft, movement, revenge.
i) Personal Pronoun: Personal pronouns are those which stand for the person speaking, spoken to, spoken of. There are 3 kinds of personal pronouns.
First Person: Eg: I, We, my, me etc.,
Second Person: Eg: thou, you, your
Third Person: Eg: he, she, it, they
ii) Demonstrative Pronouns: A Demonstrative pronoun is one that points to some person or thing or stands for some noun already referred to.
Eg: This is the thick sheet of paper
That is the palace.
iii) Relative Pronouns: A Relative pronoun joins sentences and does the work of a conjunction.
Eg: He has a son who is called Gopal
iv) Interrogative Pronouns: The Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.
Eg: Who is he?
What is that?
Who gave you the book?
v) Reflexive Pronoun: The Reflexive pronouns show that the action done by the subject turns back upon the subject.
Eg: The king prepared himself for his future duties.
Myself, yourself, herself, himself, ourselves etc.
vi) Indefinite Pronouns: The indefinite pronouns refer to persons or things in a general way but do not refer to any person or thing in particular.
Eg: All must show their tickets at the gate
Anyone, Everyone, Someone...etc
vii) Distributive Pronouns: A Distributive pronoun shows that things are taken one at a time.
Eg: Either of the roads leads to the station.
Neither, Each.. etc.
viii) Possessive Pronouns: The Possessive pronouns are used without the noun, and can come either as subjects, objects or complements.
Eg: This puppy is mine
This country is ours
ix) Reciprocal Pronouns: Reciprocal pronouns denote mutual action.
Eg: The two men hated each other.
Verb: A Verb is a word that describes an action, a state, possession, a process or an experience. A verb always carries a tense. Verbs are divided into three classes: Main verbs, Auxiliary verbs, Modal verbs.
Main verbs can be transitive or intransitive
Verbs: Main Verbs and Auxiliary verbs/Helping verbs
Main Verbs: Transitive
Auxiliary Verbs/ Helping Verbs: Primary auxiliaries and Modal Auxiliaries
a) Adjectives of Quality:
Adjectives tell us about the kind or the quality of a thing or a number of things.
Eg: Somesh is a lazy person
She has a black horse
The English language is Easy to learn
b) Adjectives of Quantity:
Adjectives tell us about the quantity or answer the questions 'how much', or 'how many'?
Eg: I want some money
Many years ago there was no paper at all.
He has a few friends in his village
c) Adjectives of Number:
Adjectives of number show how many persons or things are meant, or in what order they come.
Eg: Three boys like to work hard
This is the first edition of this book
Thousand rupees is not a big amount
d) Demonstrative Adjectives:
Demonstrative Adjectives point out which person or thing is referred to
Eg: This man is braver than Ravi
Such men are dangerous
e) Distributive Adjectives:
Distributive adjectives refers to persons or things taking one at a time.
Eg: Each man has a vote
Every day has its task
f) Interrogative Adjectives:
Interrogative adjectives are used with nouns to ask questions.
Eg: Which road links to the main road?
What kind of man is he?
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