Question Tags:
A question Tag is a type of question form, which is added to a statement to invite the listener's attention to the statement. It is usually used in conversation. It serves the purpose of confirming out statements.
When a tag is spoken, the voice can go down or up and the meaning of tag depends on the intonation. A falling intonation indicates that the speaker is sure that the statement is true. Here the tag is not really a question.
Rules for using Question Tag:
1. Only the short form " n't " is used in question tag : a comma is added after the statement ; the tag begins with a small letter and there is a question mark at the end of the tag.
2. An affirmative / positive statement has a negative tag and negative statement has a positive tag.
Eg: 1. He is coming, isn't he?
2. He is not coming, is he?
3. A suitable pronoun is used in the tag as its subject according to the number, gender and the person of the subject.
Eg: 1. Kamala is in the house, isn't she?
2. Children are in the garden, aren't they?
4. In the tag as yes/no question, the verb is shifted to the front.
Eg: 1. You are a nice girl, aren't ?
(OR) You are a nice girl, aren't you?
5. The "be" forms (are, is, was and were) are repeated to the tag.
Eg: He was here yesterday, wasn't he?
[In the case of 'am' in the positive statement 'aren't' is used in the tag.]
Eg: I am a teacher, aren't I?
Eg: I am not a magician, am I?
6. The appropriate form of 'do' is according the subject and tense of the statement.
Eg: 1. He became a philosopher, didn't he?
2. Coffee tastes bitter, doesn't it?
3. They come here everyday, don't they?
7. A negative statement with a positive question tag can also be used to ask people for things, or to ask for help or information.
Eg: 1. You couldn't lend me some money, could you?
2. You don't know where ramu lives, do you?
8. A positive tag can also be used with a positive statement when the speaker wants to show his/ her reaction to what some one has just said.
9. with imperative Expression an order or request Model Auxiliary verbs like will, would can, could are used in the tag.
Eg: Help me with this bag, could you?
Close the door, will you?
10. After a negative imperative, we use will you.
Eg: Don't make any noise, will you?
11. After let's we use shall we' to make suggestion.
Eg: Let's go for a walk, shall we?
1. That has made all the differences, hasn't it?
2. I could not travel both the roads, could I?
3. I shall be telling this, shan't I? (shall I?)
4. We don't know them, do we?
5. They weren't worried very much, were they?
6. Tags are important in English, aren't they?
7. Aruna can not run so fast as karuna, can she?
8. Raju is going to Delhi, isn't he?
9. Rani has not finished her work, has she?
10. She will do it tomorrow, won't she?
11. They are not growing cotton this year, are they?
12. Venu has arrived just now, hasn't he?
13. Kamala cannot speak Hindi, can she?
14. I have seen before, haven't I?
15. You should not go there, should you?
16. I kept the first for another day, didn't I?
17. I did not post the letter, did I?
18. Time flies, doesn't it?
19. Education doesn't always help, does it?
20. Exercise keeps us fit, doesn't it?