Sunday, 24 October 2021

ACS - Record Work


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i) Role Play

ii) Vocabulary Building

2. Reading Comprehension

3. Group Discussion

4. Interview Skills

5. Writing Skills

6. Presentation Skills

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Communication is the process of receiving & giving verbal, non-verbal message that produce a response.

Elements of Communication:


As a sender-encoder you use symbols that express your message & created the desired response.


You must decide what the main point of your message is and what other information to include.


Your medium can be printed word, electronic mail (or) sound.

Receiver: (Decoder)

The receiver-decoder is influenced by context and by his (or) her, mental filter.



Feedback can be an oral or written message. An action or simply silence, it could be either positive or negative.


Types of Communication:



Oral (or) Written.

Non-Verbal (Kinesics)

Body language communicates & it includes

*Personal appearance.

*Appearance of the surroundings communicates.

Personal Appearance : -

Physical appearances – communicates a person’s nationality, age, profession, sex mood, economic, social status, character etc.

Appearance of surroundings communicates:

Facial expressions, Posture & movement, smell, touch, voice & sounds, silence, time & space also communicates.


Principles of communication:









a. Answer all the questions asked

b. Give something extra, when needed

c. Check for the ‘wh’ & ‘h’


a. Eliminate wordy expression

b. Include only relevant material

c. Avoid unnecessary repetition


a. Focus of ‘you’ instead of ‘I’ ‘WE’

b. Show receiver-benefit (or) interest in the receiver.

c. Emphasize positive, pleasant facts.



a. Use specific facts& figures

b. Put action in your verbs.

c. Choose vivid, image building verbs.


a. Choose precise, familiar & conversational words.

b. Construct effective sentences & paragraphs.


a. Be sincere, factful, thoughtful & appreciative.

b. Use expressions that shows respect.

c. Choose non-discriminatory expressions.


a. Use the right level of language.

b. Check accuracy of figures, facts & words.

c. Maintain acceptable writing mechanics.


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The search for a common ground- when starting conversation initially with people you do not know, try & structure the around common ground subjects.

Some typical common ground subjects include:


*Where you live




Keeping the conversation going:

Ask open ended question:

Why? How? What? Find the hot button topics (topic that you both are interested in)

Be attentive: Learn to listen actively

Attitude: What can I learn from this person?

What is this person really saying?

Don’t be afraid to change the subject!



*Talk about yourself

*Tell stories

*Share expressions (provide details, use dialogues)

*Give opinions

*Express feelings

*React emotionally

*Show enthusiasm


*Be in the moment:

Create Reciprocity: Give feedback, compliments & use names refer to the situation, surroundings, circumstances, people etc.

*Be in the light:

Use wit & Humor. Try gentle self-deprecation in check (or)teasing.


Voice: speak distinctly, slowdown if necessary.

Practice the S-O-F-T-E-N.


-Open arms

-Forward lean


-Eye contact



Conversational tips (Business)

Questions you could ask at work or any business-related functions.

*How did you come up with the idea?

*Describe a typical day on the job?

*How did you get started in the business?

*What got you enjoy most about it?

*Describe some of the challenges in your industry?

*What are the trends in your business?

*What advice would you give for someone just starting in this business?

*Any significant changes.

*Strongest accident/incident you have experienced in your business?

*What is the best job that you ever had?

*Most difficult part of your job?




Stay up to date on what is happening in the world so that you have plenty of things to talk about. Read local newspaper & watch the news so that you can knowledgably participate in discussions current events.


Prepare yourself before you attend where you will meet people. Rehearse what you will say Infront of a mirror.


Ask a lot of questions, people like to talk about themselves & then lives however make sure you keep the questions simple don’t ask too personal information.

Step 4:

Listen to others, people can sense when you are not really interested  in they have what they have to say. They don’t want to waste time talking to someone who doesn’t listen. You must show a sincere interest in others for them to express a sincere interest in you.



Take a role of what is going on around you. Use your surroundings to come up with conversation data.


Smile & talk at others in the eye. Everyone enjoys being positive confident people. The more confident you at, the more confident you become.

Step 7:

Keep practicing force yourself to strike up conversation with stranger in different situations. The more you practice, better you will become at starting conversation.




*Kick start conversations:

There is nothing worse, when meeting someone for the first time than that awkward silence after the initial creating.

*Kick the silence into orbit with these conversation starters:

-> How was your day?

->You look really nice.

->How was work.

->Have you seen any movie recently?

->Have you ever been to a local restaurant.

->What kind of food do you like?

->Where are you from?

->Have you read these books?



Here are some useful tips to start & keep conversation going.

Be the first to say hello.

Introduce yourself to others.

Remember people’s names.

Show interest in other’s conversation.

Keep up to date on current events.

Seek out other people’s opinions.


Here are some ideas that you might use to start a conversation:

*Excuse me! Have you go the frame time to talk to me?

*Hai! How is it going.

*Hey! What’s up?


To a shop assistant you might say:

*Can I get your opinion, which one suits me better blue or white?

*What time do you close today?

*What time do you open the shop tomorrow?

*How long you have been working here?

*What is your name?

*What do you like about here?




1. Roleplay is a fastest way to improve speaking & listening skills for real life situations.

2. Roleplay uses scripts that you read with your partner like actions in drama.

3. Roleplay gives your information about your role.

Roleplay to practice English:

*Roleplay helps speak English in full sentences.

*Roleplay makes you think about what you are saying. So, you remember the language.

*Roleplay gives you many ideas to think & talk about.



1. Situational

2. Story

3. Short

4. Long

Tips to overcome stage fear:

1. Work on your deeper fears.

2. Appreciate your individuality

3. Take deep breaths.

4. Take opportunities as they come

5. Stop saying you are shy

6. Release the past.

7. Learn to speak up

8. Creative visualization

9. Get role models.


Example 1.

Customer: Hello!

Receptionist: Hello! How can I help you?

Customer: I want to know the details of the course your institute offer?

Receptionist: Oh ok. Our institute offers two courses French and German.

Customer: Okay. So, what are the timings of classes, fee structure and course material?

Receptionist: Yes mam. We provide an opportunity for the students to choose their specific timing and the fee for the course is 8000/- for three months and we do provide your course material.

Customer: Is the fee same for both French and German.

Receptionist: Yes, the fee for French and German is same. Now tell me in which course you are interested in?

Customer: French

Receptionist: By the next week the classes are going to begin. So what timings you would prefer?

Customer: I want to come for evening batch i.e., 7.00-8.30pm.

Receptionist: Ok mam. Thanks for choosing our institute.


Example 2

Friend 1: Hello friend what’s up? You been so busy that  you are unable to remember your friends

Friend 2: Excuse me! Who is this?

Friend 1: Am I talking to Mr. Karthik?

Friend 2: No

Friend 1: Hey you might be kidding I called the same number three months back.

Friend 2: No! Karthik doesn’t live here any more they moved to Mumbai.

Friend 1: Ok. Do you have his number?

Friend 2: No

Friend 1: Ok! Sorry for troubling you.


Vocabulary Building

Your fluency is directly proportional to vocabulary.

Your IQ is directly proportional to vocabulary.


All the words known & used by a particular person



1. Synonyms are the words with identical & similar meanings.

2. Words that are synonyms are said to be

3. The state of being a synonym is called synonymy.


a.  own – possess

b. infant – baby

c. leap- jump

d. alike- same

e. sniff – smell



A word that expresses a meaning opposed to the meaning of another word in which the two words are antonyms at each other.

1. accomplishment   x   failure

2. apparent   x   obscure

3. amateur   x professional

4. elementary   x   advanced

5. fiction   x   fact


Prefixes are added to the beginning of word. Prefixes change the meaning of word.



Prefix                                Meaning                             Example

1. Un                               not, opposite of                Unhappy, unable

2. Re                               again, back                        return, rewrite

3. in, im, ill                     not, opposite of                 immortal, immature, impossible

                                                                                  Incomplete, illiterate

4. dis                               not, opposite of                  dislike, disorder

5. en, em                           cause to                            embrace, enjoy, enable


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Suffixes are added to the word at the end of it. suffix change the parts of speech of a word.


Suffixes                            Meaning                                               Example

S, es                                   Plural forms                                    hats, boxes, dresses

Ed                                      past tense verbs                               wounded

Ing                                     verb form/ present                           flying

Ly                                      characteristic of                                  badly

Er, or                                 person connected                              preacher. Bachelor



Affixes are when added to the base/root word new words are connected.


Affix                 Phonetic Pronunciation

A                       above

Bi                     bilingual

Co                    co-author

Dis                   disengage

Pre                    predate                                                     




Word Roots:

A root, as its name suggest is a word (or) word part from which other word grew. Usually through the affixes.



Root                                      Meaning                                        Example

Aster - (G)                             star                                             asteroid, astronomy

Audi- (L)                                hear                                            audible, audience

Auto - (G)                              self                                             automatic

Bene –(L)                              good                                             benefit, begin

Bio – (G)                                life                                               biography, biology


It is an expression, word (or) phrase that has a figurative meaning that is comprehend in regard to a common use of that expression that is separate from the literal meaning (or) definition of the words of the words of which it is made.


1. Acid test

Acid test proves the effectiveness of something.

I practiced hard at the dance session but the acid test will come when the master will assess the solo performance.



2. Chase your trail:

When you spending lor of time & energy doing a lot of things.

He has been chasing his tail all the week collecting dates but the report is still not ready.

Phrasal verb:

It is combination of a verb & a preposition, a verb & an adverb (or) a verb with both preposition & an adverb. A phrasal verb often has a meaning which is different from the original verb.



1. made up: I made up an excuse

2. broke down: My car broke down

3. hang out: where do you want to hang out.

4. dress down: why does he always dress down?

5. Put up: who can put up with that?



The word analogy can refer to all relation between the source and the target themselves which is often a similarity.


1. What cold is to ice, heat is to fire.

2. What dog is to a kennel, a rabbit to a burrow.

3. A rudder is to a ship as a goal is to a person.

4. Red is to strawberries as black is to blackberries.

5. Bray is to donkey bark is to dog.


The way words occur together often unpredictive manner.


1. Adverb + Adjective

We entered a richly decorated room.

Are you fully aware of the implications of your action?

2. Preposition + Adjective

The sales of Google company are indeclinable



A pronounceable name made up of series of initial letters (or) parts of words.


1. NATO – North Atlantic Treaty Organization

2. WHO – World Health Organization

3. LASER – Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

4. UNO – United Nations Organization

5. IBM- International Business Machine,













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Role play:   Roleplay is the act of imitating the character and behavior of someone who is different from yourself, for example as a trainin...