Monday, 12 October 2020

Senior Inter: 2.Poetry: The Magical Earth

                      THE MAGICAL EARTH

 1. The earth knows how to do magic. Support this statement with examples from the poem.

A:- The poem 'The Magical Earth' is a hymn in praise of the earth. The poet wonders if the earth has some magical powers. He marvels at the myriad forms of life the emerge from the earth. If he sows seeds, he gets fruits like guavas, jamuns and lemons. Each fruit has its own distinctive appearance, taste and colour. He wonders how the earth puts different kinds of sweetness into fruits like pomegranates, plums and mangoes. Does the earth have sugar godowns in its reesses? Strangely, the leaves are tasteless but the fruits are sweet. The earth can hold long rivers inside itself and balance tall coconut tress on its surface. It gives the poet all that he asks for and more.When he asks for a flower, the earth lovingly gifts him a beautiful pink flowers. The poet concludes that indeed the earth knows magic.

2. What tricks does the earth show, according to Gulzar?

A:- In the poem 'The Magical Earth' Gulzar wonders how the earth can perform so many tricks. If he sows seeds, he gets fruits like guavas, jamuns and lemons. Each fruit has its own distinctive appearance, taste and colour. The earth puts different kinds of sweetness ito fruits like pomegranates, plums and mangoes. The earth seems to have sugar godowns in its recesses. Strangely, the leaves of plants are tasteleess but the fruits are sweet. The earth can hold rivers inside itself and balance tall coconut trees on its surface. When he asks for a flower, the earth gifts him a  beautiful pink flower. The poet concludes that indeed the earth knows many tricks.


1. If I ask for a flower it gives me pink flowers.

2. Otherwise, why is the bamboo tasteless and the sugarcane sweet? 

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