Friday, 30 October 2020



1.Sketch briefly the character of Polonius, based on the poem.

A:    Critics differ in their opinion about the character of Polonius in Shakespeare's tragedy 'Hamlet'. It is said that he is pompous, ambitious and over-bearing. However, if we restrict ourselves to the poem he comes across as a concerned father who is anxious to convey words of practical wisdom to his son. Laertes, the son, is leaving France for higher studies. He may be twenty and old enough to know right from wrong. But it is natural for every father to offer guidance. The advice is in the form of maxims. One should be cautious while expressing one's thoughts, getting into quarrels with others or making new friends. One should dress well but not gaudily. One should neither lend nor borrow money. Above all one should be true to oneself and follow one's convictions. The advice is admirable and worth following. It is true that Polonius utters each maxims and immediately modifies it. But, then, life itself is complex.

2. Explain the line, "Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar."

A: The poem contains the advice that is given by Polonius to his son, Laertes, who is leaving for France for higher studies. The advice is in the form of a series of maxims. Polonius gives instructions about how one should conduct oneself in society. Polonius tells his son that he should mingle with others and make friends. He should not remain aloof and isolated. However, he should stay within limits. Excessive familiarity should be avoided. He should observe decorum in his dealings with others. The advice given by Polonius regarding social etiquette and conduct holds true even today. Shakespeare himself seems to be making these observations through the character of Polonius.


1.    . . . . . Give thy thoughts no tongue,

       Nor any unproportioned thought his act.

Reference: These lines are taken from the poem 'Polonius Advice to his son'. The poem is an extract from Act 1 Scene 3 of the play 'Hamlet' written by Shakespeare.

Context: The poem contains the advice that Polonius gives his son, Laertes. The advice is in the form of series of maxims.

Explanation: Laertes is about to leave for France for higher education. Polonius gives him some instructions about how we should conduct himself in society. The first rule of conduct is that a person should not be too talkative. He should not reveal whatever is in his mind. Inappropriate or immoderate thoughts should not find expression in action. Thoughts should be translated into action only after adequate reflection.

General Relevance: The advice given by Polonius  regarding social conduct holds true even today.

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