Thursday, 5 November 2020



1. Nouns

Notice the common mistakes in the use of nouns

The following Nouns are not used in the plural.

- information, furniture, scenery, poetry, advice, knowledge, news, politics, alphabet, imagery, luggage, diesel, petrol, water, rice, sugar, tea, coffee, weather, climate, atmosphere etc.

=> Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined parts. The first one is done for you.

1. Your informations are wrong.

    Your information is wrong.

2. He has bought expensive furnitures. (W) 

    He has bought expensive furniture. (R)

3. Children should learn the alphabets with joy.(W)

    Children should learn the alphabet with joy.(R)

4. He has deep knowledges of various fields.(W)

    He has deep knowledge of various fields.(R)

5. The sceneries of Darjeeling are very beautiful.(W)

    The scenery of Darjeeling is very beautiful.(R)

=> Some nouns are always used in the plural.

Some of them are: surroundings, police, premises, savings, innings, goods, thanks etc.

Correct the underlined parts.

1. Keep your surrounding clean(W)

    Keep your surroundings clean.(R)

2. The police has caught the smugglers.(W)

    The police have caught the smugglers.(R)

3. This good is an imported one.(W)

    These goods are imported one.(R)

4. We must express thank to those who help us(W)

     We must express thanks to those who help us.            (R)

 => Some nouns are plural in form but they are used as singular.

Some of them are: Economics, Physics, Civics, Gymnastics, Athletics, Politics, News, Series etc.

Correct the underlined parts.

1. Economics are an interesting subject.

    Economics is an interesting subject.

2. Athletics are an interesting sport.

    Athletics is an interesting sport.

3. The news of the earthquake have spread like            wildfire.

    The news of the earthquake has spread like              wildfire

Uncountable nouns are not used in the plural.

Correct the underlined words.

4. Ocean sands are not used for construction.(W)

    Ocean sand is not used for construction.(R)

5. C.V. Raman's Knowledges of all branches of            physics are abnormal

    C.V. Raman's Knowledge of all branches of              physics is abnormal

Some Nouns and their correct use

     Wrong                              Right

Cousin brother/sister          Cousin

brother-in-laws                   Brothers-in-law

Sister-in-laws                      Sisters-in-law

Man-servants                      Men-servants

Poultries                              Poultry

Sheeps                                 Sheep

Now, correct the mistakes in the following sentences and rewrite them.

1. Both my brother-in-laws are working in the              USA.

    Both my brothers-in-law are working in the              USA.

2. There is a scarcity of man-servants nowadays.

    There is a scarcity of men-servants nowadays.

3. Mouses have spoiled the crop.

    Mice have spoiled the crop.

4. My cousin brother is a doctor.

    My cousin is a doctor.

II. Pronouns (agreement)

One of, each of, either of, neither of etc.  are always followed a Plural nouns or pronouns. When they are taken as the Subject of a sentence, they are followed by a singular verb.

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. One of my class mates are a doctor.

    One of my class mate is a doctor.

2. Neither of the girl are absent.

    Neither of the girl is absent.

3. One should look after her parents.

    One should look after one's parents.

4. The two player blamed one another for their            defeat.

    The two players blamed each other for their              defeat.

5. Each of them were given a gift.

    Each of them was given a gift.

6. Yourself are responsible for your future.

    You are responsible for your future.

7. He and me are brothers.

    He and I are brothers.

III. Adjectives

1. She is more shorter than her brother.

    She is shorter than her brother.

2. Everest is the most highest of all the mountains        in the world.  

    Everest if highest of all the mountains in the            world.

3. Gandhi is more truthful than any political leader.

    Gandhi is more truthful than any other political        leader.

IV. Articles

1. You must eat an fruit daily.

    You must eat a fruit daily.

2. Suma is an popular anchor.

    Suma is a popular anchor.

3. I waited for a hour.

    I waited for an hour.

4. Bring five dozens oranges and distribute them to      the students.

    Bring five dozen oranges and distribute them to        the students.

5. Sun rises in east.

    The sun rises in the east.

6. Do you like to play violin?

    Do you like to play the violin.


1. He is visiting the library daily.

    He visits the library daily.

2. He is interested to do a job.

    He is interested in doing a job.

3. When he was trying to explain the problem, his        friend disturbs him.

    When he was trying to explain the problem, his        friend disturbed  him.


1. I am too happy to meet you   

    I am very happy to meet you

2. The tiffin is very hot to eat

    The tiffin is too hot to eat

3. He walks very fastly

    He walks very fast


1. Unity is important between people.

    Unity is important among people.

2. The property was divided between the four              brothers.

    The property was divided among the four                brothers.

3. Every one congratulated her for her wonderful


    Every one congratulated her on her wonderful




1.They asked me what was my name.

   They asked me what my name was.

2. I am forty years.

    I am forty. / I am forty years old

3. My friends made me to stay here.              

    My friends made me stay here.

4. It is raining since yesterday.

    It has been raining since yesterday.

5. I am good in English.

    I am good at English.

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