Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Non-Detail: 3. My Elder Brother

                  My Elder Brother

                               -Munshi Premchand

1. Describe the elder brother's attitude to his study.

A:- 'My Elder Brother' is an endearing story about two brothers who differ in their approach to studies. The elder brother, who is fourteen, takes his studies very seriously. He believes that every single moment should be devoted to the study of some subject or the other. He frowns upon relaxation and recreation. He works especially hard during examinations. He gets up at four in the morning and studies till ten in the night without taking any rest. The only diversion he allows himself is to draw pictures of sparrows, cats and dogs on the margins of his notebooks. The irony, however, is that the elder brother fails in every class. Yet he thinks that the foundation is getting stronger. He constantly scolds his younger brother and advises him to concentrate on his studies.

2.The younger brother loves to play ands studies whenever he feels it necessary. Yet he passes his examinations. Explain.

A:- 'My Elder Brother' is an endearing story about two brothers who differ in their approach to studies. The elder brother, who is fourteen, takes his studies very seriously. He constantly goads his younger brother to study. The younger brother, who is nine, is playful and fun loving. HE finds it difficult to study continuously even for an hour. He can not resist going out and enjoying the open air and the green fields. He draws up a timetable for studies. But he is able to follow it for only a day or two. He studies only when it is absolutely necessary. Ironically, the elder brother fails in every class while the younger brother passes with flying colors. This shows that focussed study and relaxation yields better results than mindless poring over books.

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