Monday, 19 July 2021

Junior Inter: Syllables



Engage=  En-gage = 2

Suffer=   Suf-fer = 2

Teacher= Teach-er=2

Matter= Mat-ter=2

Spider= Spi-der=2

Answer= An-swer=2

English= Eng-lish=2

Father= Fa-ther

Donkey= Don-key=2

Telephone= Te-le-phone=3

Potato= Po-ta-to=3

Bachelor= Ba-che-lor=3

Ambulance= Am-bu-lance=3

Invalid= In-va-lid=3

Computer= Com-pu-ter=3

Contemplate= Con-tem-plate=3

Descriptive=  De-scrip-tive = 3

Represent= Re-pre-sent=3

Remember= Re-mem-ber=3

Classification= Clas-si-fi-ca-tion=5

Education= E-du-ca-tion=4

Congratulation= Con-gra-tu-la-tion=5


Observation= Ob-ser-va-tion=4

Sunday= 2= sun-day

Question= 2= que-stion

Fixation= Fi-xa-tion=3

College= col-lege=2

Grammar= Gra-mmer=2

Immoral= Im-mo-ral= 3

Create= cre-ate=2

Ugly= ug-ly =2

Cricketer= Cri-cke-ter=3

Sorry= So-rry=2

Employee= Em-plo-yee=3

Apology= A-po-lo-gy= 4

History= Hi-sto-ry= 3

Manager= Ma-na-ger=3

Paper= Pa-per=2

Glass= 1


Food= 1

Present= Pre-sent=2

Property= Pro-per-ty=3

Particular=  Par-ti-cu-lar=4

Anesthesia= A-ne-sthe-si-a= 5

Honor= Ho-nor=2

Examine= E-xa-mine=3

Student= Stu-dent=2

Instrumental= In-stru-men-tal= 4

Monday= Mon-day=2

Doctor= Doc-tor=2

Intelligent=  In-te-lli-gent=4

Bright = 1

Syllabus= Sy-lla-bus=3

Criticism= Cri-ti-ci-sm=4


Mother= Mo-ther=2

Beautiful= Beau-ti-ful=3

Beautification= Beau-ti-fi-ca-tion=5

Today= To-day=2

Entertainment= En-ter-tain-ment=4

Matter= Ma-tter=2

Remember= Re-mem-ber=3

Painter= Pain-ter=2

Football= Foot-ball=2

Father= Fa-ther=2

Education= E-du-ca-tion= 4

Pencil= Pen-cil=2

Interior= In-te-ri-or=4

Extra= Ex-tra= 2

Diversity= Di-ver-si-ty=4

Philosophy= Phi-lo-so-phy= 4

Gorgeous = Gor-ge-ous=3

Inter= In-ter=2

Empty= Em-pty=2

Agriculture= A-gri-cul-ture=4

Calender= Ca-len-der=3

Cinema= Ci-ne-ma= 3

Experiment= Ex-pe-ri-ment=4

Preposition= Pre-po-si-tion= 4

Memories= Me-mo-ries=3

Grammar= Gra-mmar= 2

Verb= 1

Interview= In-ter-view=3

Meeting= Mee-ting = 2

Particular= Par-ti-cu-lar= 4

Relation= Re-la-tion=3

Information= In-for-ma-tion= 4

Question= Que-stion=2

Answer= An-swer=2

Preparation= Pre-pa-ra-tion=4

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