Tuesday, 7 September 2021

B.Tech III Advance Communication Skills - Syllabus


Advance Communication Skills Lab


Gathering ideas and information to organize ideas relevantly and coherently 

Engaging in debates.

Participating in group discussions

Facing interviews

Writing project/ research reports/ technical reports

Making oral presentations.

Writing formal letters

Transferring information from non-verbal to verbal texts and vice versa.

Taking part in social and professional communication.



This lab focuses on using multimedia instruction for language development to meet the following.

To improve the student’s fluency in English, through a well- developed vocabulary and enable them to listen to English at normal conversational speed by educated English speakers and respond appropriately in different socio-cultural and professional contexts.

Further, they would be required to communicate their ideas relevantly and coherently in writing

To prepare all the students for their placements.



1. Activities on Fundamentals of Inter-personal Communication and Building Vocabulary:

Starting a conversation – responding appropriately and coherently – using right body language- roleplay in different situations & Discourse skills – using visuals – synonyms and antonyms, word roots, one-word substitutes, prefixes and suffixes, study of word origin, business vocabulary – analogy, idioms and phrases, collocations & usages of vocabulary.

2. Activities on Reading Comprehension:

General VS Local comprehension, reading for facts, guessing meaning from context, scanning, skimming, inferring meaning, critical reading & effective googling.

3. Activities on Writing skills:

Structure and presentation of different types of writing – letter writing – resume writing – e-correspondence/ Technical report writing – planning for writing – improving one’s writing.

4. Activities on Presentation Skills:

Oral presentations (individual and group) through JAM sessions/ seminars/ PPTs and written presentations through posters/ projects/ reports) e-mails/ assignments etc.

5. Activities on Group discussion and interview skills:

Dynamics of group discussion, interventions, summarizing, modulation of voice, body language, relevance, fluency and organization of ideas and rubrics for evaluation, Concept and process, pre-interview planning, opening strategies, answering strategies, interview through tele-conference & video-conference and Mock interviews.



Spacious room with appropriate acoustics

Round Tables with movable chairs

Audio-visual aids

LCD projector

Public address system

P – IV Processor, Hard Disk – 80GB, RAM -512 MB, Minimum speed – 2.8GHZ

TV, a digital stereo& camcorder

Headphones of high quality



The software consisting of the prescribed topics elaborated above should be procured and used.

Oxford Advanced Learner’s Compass, 7th Edition

DELTA’s key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test: Advanced Skills Practice

Lingua TOEFL CBT insider, by Dream Tech




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