Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Senior Inter : Prose : 1.Dancing In The Rain


1.What kind of freedom does Azim Premji recommend to the children of India?

A:-   In his essay 'Dancing in the Rain ' Azim Premji refers at first to the plight of poor children who work in inhuman conditions in factories. Such children are robbed of their freedom. Child labour should be abolished at once. But children from upper classes too are being denied the simple joys of childhood. They are being burdened with too many books. Both parents and teachers expect children to study day and night. Children have no time to play, explore the world, interact with others and develop their interests. Their creativity and spontaneity is crushed. Teachers and parents should not put undue pressure on children. India will progress only when all children have the freedom to play and dance in the rain.

2. According to the writer, in what way is a child is different from adults?

A:-    In his essay 'Dancing in the Rain' Azim Premji points out that children of today are being deprived of the simple joys of childhood. They are crushed by parental aspirations and societal conditioning. Adults should realize that children can teach them many things. A child has the courage to persist with a task despite failing many times. An adult, however, fears failure. A child is innately curious about the environment and likes to explore the world. He takes up an activity for its own sake. Adults, however, are motivated mainly by the prospect of money and recognition. While a child is spontaneous and creative, an adult is constrained by his inhibitions and prejudices.


1.Robbing children of their childhood is a criminal act, and our society must weed this malaise out from the root.

Reference: This sentence is taken from the essay 'Dancing in the Rain' by Azim Premji.

Context: In the essay Azim Premji points out that children of today are being deprived of the simple joys of childhood. They are being burdened with too many books. They should  be given the freedom to explore the world and pursue activities of their choice.

Explanation: At the beginning of the essay Premji refers to the issues of child labour. He is distressed by the plight of poor children who work in inhuman conditions. Many children work in zari factories in Delhi and Mumbai. Such children are robbed of their freedom. Premji asserts that child labour is a criminal offence. It is a blot on society and should be eradicated.

General Relevance: Child labour is a social evil. All children, rich and poor, have the right to enjoy the simple pleasures of childhood.

2. India will be radiant when our children are free to dance in the rain.

Reference: This sentence is taken from the essay 'Dancing in the Rain' by Azim Premji. It is the concluding line of the essay.

Context:  In the essay Azim Premji points out that children of today are being deprived of the simple joys of childhood. They are being burdened with too many books.

Explanation: Both parents and teachers expect children to study day and night. Children have no time to play, explore the world, interact with others and develop their interests. Their creativity and spontaneity is crushed. Teachers and parents should not put undue pressure on children. India will progress only when all children have the freedom to play and dance in the rain.

General Relevance: Teachers and parents should encourage children to blossom and realize their true potential.

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