Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Senior Inter : Prose : 2.Opportunities For Youth


1.What is happiness, according to Jawaharlal Nehru?

A:- In the esaay 'Opportunities for Youth' Jawaharlal Nehru emphasizes the need for co-ordinating one's thought and action. If thoughts exist in a vaccum they serve no purpose. They acquire meaning only when translated into action. Conversely, actions should be undertaken only after sufficient thought. Nehru says that a happy person person is one who integrates thoughts and actions. Happiness does not depend on the external environment. Rather, it is a state of mind. There are many rich people who are restless and many poor people who are contented. Happy people are free from inner conflict. Inner conflicts can be resolved only when there is co-ordination between thought and action.

2. The mere act of aiming at something big makes you big. Elaborate.

A:- In his essay 'Opportunities for Youth' Nehru addresses the youth of the nation. He exhorts them to take up the task of building the nation after independence. The youth of India should be filled with pride and ambition. They should take pride in doing their job to the best of their ability. They should aspire for the best and not be willing to settle for anything less. A scientist should aim to become an Einstein and should not be content to remain as a reader in a university. An engineer should try to invert something useful for society. A doctor should aspire to find a cure for diseases. Nehru stresses that the mere act of aiming high helps us to excel in whatever task we take up. We are motivated to develop our innate abilities and our achievements surpass our expectations.


a) Thought without actions is abortions. action without thought is folly.

Reference: These sentence are taken from the essay 'opportunities for youth' written by Jawaharlal Nerhru.

Context: In the essay Nehru exhorts the youth to dread about building a great country. The youth should work towards making these dreams a reality.

Explanation: Nehru emphasizes the need for co-ordinating one's thoughts and actions. If thoughts exists in a vaccum they serve no purpose. They acquire meaning only when translated into action. Conversely, actions should be undertaken only after sufficient thought. It would be a blunder to plunge into action without thinking about the various aspects of an issue. Planning an execution, thus, go hand in hand.

General Relevance: Inner conflicts can resolved only when there is co-ordination between thought and action. A happy person is one who integrates thoughts and actions.

2.Great novels always makes one think, because they are pictures of life painted by great minds.

Reference: These sentence are taken from the essay 'opportunities for youth' written by Jawaharlal Nerhru.

Context: In the essay Nehru exhorts the youth to dream about building a great country. The youth should work towards making the dream a reality. . 

Explanation: Every work we undertake must be preceded by a plan that has been well thought of. Thinking leads to learning. Thinking is a skill that needs to be developed. It does not come automatically. The best way to develop the art of thinking is to read books. Great novels portray life in a realistic manner. They offer a glimpse of society. Reading such books helps us to develop the ability to analyze issues in a constructive manner. 

General Relevance: A good book enables us to develop our faculties of reflection and analysis.

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