Tuesday, 24 November 2020

Junior Inter: Parts of Speech

 Parts of Speech

     Language is essentially speech. Our speech consist of certain elements. They are called the Parts of Speech. In English words are divided into 8 classes according to their use and the work number namely

1. Noun

2. Pronoun

3. Adjective

4. Verb

5. Adverb

6. Preposition

7. Conjunction

8. Interjection

1. Noun: The Noun is a naming word. It is name of a person, place, animal or thing, quality, activity, concept or condition.

Eg: The Car makes a lot of noise.

       Gold is a precious metal.

       Seetha is a beautiful girl.

2. Pronoun: A Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun

Eg: He gave it to seetha.

      This is my book.

      That is your pen

3. Adjective: An adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun.

Eg: She looks very calm

      He drank a little water

      The sky is blue

       We don't have much time.

       I want some more book.

4. Verb: Verb is a word it describes the action or condition of the subject that is what the subject does, or what happens to it or what it is. A verb is a word expresses doing, being or possessing.

Eg: He is sleeping

       She wrote a letter

       She is playing music

       Speak the truth

       She dances well

5. Adverb: An adverb may be defined as a word that modifies a verb, an adjectives or another adverbs.

Eg: Copy this notes carefully

       He ran very fast

       He frequently comes late

       He is certainly right.

       He fought bravely.

       You must get up early

6. Preposition: The preposition is a word, which is usually placed before a noun or pronoun to show the letter's relation to some other word in the sentence.

Eg: I put it in the box

       He is coming by plane

       I ran across the road

7. Conjunction: A conjunction may be defined as a word used together words, phrases or clauses.

Eg: He works hard to earn his bread and butter.

       We started early so that we might not miss the show

8. Interjection: An interjection may be defined as a word which expresses a sudden feeling (Emotion, joy, surprise, sorrow, fear, anger etc.,)

Eg: Oh! That's so nice


i) Proper Noun:  A proper noun is the name of a particular person or place.

Eg: Gopal is the name of a particular person.

      Mumbai is the name of a particular place.

ii) Common Noun: A Common noun is a name which is common to any and every person or thing of the same kind.

Eg: King, man, city

iii) Collective Noun: A Collective noun is the name given to a number of persons or things grouped together as one.

Eg: The Crowd was very big

iv) Material Noun: A material noun denotes the matter or substances of which things are made.

Eg: Gold, Glass, Cotton

v) Abstract Noun: An abstract noun is the name of some quality, state or action that is imagined or which cannot be seen.

Eg: Quality - Cleverness, goodness

       State - Poverty, youth

       Action - Theft, movement, revenge.


i) Personal Pronoun: Personal pronouns are those which stand for the person speaking, spoken to, spoken of. There are 3 kinds of personal pronouns.

First Person: Eg: I, We, my, me etc.,

Second Person: Eg: thou, you, your

Third Person: Eg: he, she, it, they

ii) Demonstrative Pronouns: A Demonstrative pronoun is one that points  to some person or thing or stands for some noun already referred to.

Eg: This is the thick sheet of paper

       That is the palace.

iii) Relative Pronouns: A Relative pronoun joins sentences and does the work of a conjunction.

Eg: He has a son who is called Gopal

iv) Interrogative Pronouns: The Interrogative pronouns are used to ask questions.

Eg: Who is he?

       What is that?

        Who gave you the book?

v) Reflexive Pronoun: The Reflexive pronouns show that the action done by the subject turns back upon the subject.

Eg: The king prepared himself for his future duties.

Myself, yourself, herself, himself, ourselves etc.

vi) Indefinite Pronouns: The indefinite pronouns refer to persons or things in a general way but do not refer to any person or thing in particular.

Eg: All must show their tickets at the gate

Anyone, Everyone, Someone...etc

vii) Distributive Pronouns: A Distributive pronoun shows that things are taken one at a time.

Eg: Either of the roads leads to the station.

Neither, Each.. etc.

viii) Possessive Pronouns: The Possessive pronouns are used without the noun, and can come either as subjects, objects or complements.

Eg: This puppy is mine

       This country is ours

ix) Reciprocal Pronouns: Reciprocal pronouns denote mutual action.

Eg: The two men hated each other.


Verb:  A Verb is a word that describes an action, a state, possession, a process or an experience. A verb always carries a tense. Verbs are divided into three classes: Main verbs, Auxiliary verbs, Modal verbs.

Main verbs can be transitive or intransitive

Verbs: Main Verbs and Auxiliary verbs/Helping verbs

Main Verbs: Transitive 


Auxiliary Verbs/ Helping Verbs: Primary auxiliaries and Modal Auxiliaries


a) Adjectives of Quality:

 Adjectives tell us about the kind or the quality of a thing or a number of things.

Eg: Somesh is  a lazy person

       She has a black horse

       The English language is Easy to learn

b) Adjectives of Quantity: 

Adjectives tell us about the quantity or answer the questions 'how much', or 'how many'?

Eg: I want some money

      Many years ago there was no paper at all.

      He has a few friends in his village

c) Adjectives of Number: 

Adjectives of number show how many persons or things are meant, or in what order they come.

Eg: Three boys like to work hard

       This is the first edition of this book

       Thousand rupees is not a big amount

d) Demonstrative Adjectives:

Demonstrative Adjectives point out which person or thing is referred to

Eg: This man is braver than Ravi

       Such men are dangerous

e) Distributive Adjectives:

Distributive adjectives refers to persons or things taking one at a time.

Eg: Each man has a vote

       Every day has its task

f) Interrogative Adjectives:

Interrogative adjectives are used with nouns to ask questions.

Eg: Which road links to the main road?

       What kind of man is he?

Monday, 23 November 2020

Senior Inter: Note Making



1. Mobile Phones: Advantages and Disadvantages


1.Multiple Uses: Chatting, banking, games, browsing

2. Easy communication: can be in touch

3. Always connected

4. Emergency situations


1. Constant Interruptions: intrusive

2. Distraction: possibility of accidents

3. Affects real life situations: lose touch with reality


     Discipline and planning are essential for success in the examinations. Students must observe the following:

=> Cover the syllabus in a systematic manner

=> Revise lessons every day

=> Seek guidance of teachers, and seniors

=> Make a timetable for study before final exams

=> Eat well, take rest, relax


1) Renewable sources of energy: clean, low carbon emission

2) Sources: Water, sun, wind, bio gas and bio mass -- 80% renewable

   a) Hydro energy: from water; largest source of renewable energy

   b) Solar energy: from sun; solar panels trap energy

   c) Biogas: from waste of animals; methane converted to energy

   d) Biomass: from dried vegetation, crop residues, etc.


1. Review your interests and hobbies

    a) Match your interests and capabilities

    b) Write a list of possible careers that match your interests

    c) If you want to work with others - jot down that you are a team            player

2. Research the careers you are considering

    a) Write the job profile - job description, salary, educational requirements

    b) Think of yourself performing the job duties

3. Choose a career with growth opportunities

    a) Be realistic about the job market and qualifications

4. Does the career chosen require higher education or not?

    a) If it does, find out details related to courses, fees, duration of study

    b) If it does not, see how to enter the field; talk to someone holding the job - discuss pros and cons.


1. Review your interests and hobbies

 a) Match your interests and capabilities

 b) Write a list of possible careers that match your interests

 c) If you want to work with others - jot down that you are a team player

2. Research the careers you are considering

 a) Write a job profile - job description, salary, educational requirements

 b) Think of yourself performing the job duties

3. Choose a career with growth opportunities

 a) Be realistic about the job market and qualifications

4. Does the career chosen require higher education or not? 

 a) If it does, find out details related to courses, fees, duration of study

 b) If it does not, see how to enter the field; talk to someone holding the job - discuss pros and cons


Nearly 50% of adolescents struggle with low self esteem. Some common signs are:

a) Teenagers walk with his head pointed downward; does not make eye contact with others; negative statements about himself

b) Teenager criticizes those who display same bad qualities as himself - defence mechanism - low self worth

c) Teenager may brag about himself - speaks loudly; may avoid social situations

d) Most of the adolesents struggle with low self-esteem.

e) If a teenager walks with head pointed down wards, it can be said that he is suffering form low self esteem.


1. Computers are used for work and entertainment; very fast and accurate

2. Educational purposes

 a) Distance learning programmes

 b) Online exams

3. At Home

 a) Calculating and managing the home budget

 b) Movies, games, sports --- entertainment

 c) Social interaction through Face book, Twitter, Skype

 d) At offices, in hospitals, in government organizations and in business,

 e) Different examinations like GRE, GMAT, and SAT are conducted on line.

4. Work and Business

 a) Employees can work from home --- online submission of reports

 b) Stock Exchange --- trading activities electronic

 c) At hospitals --- digital records, online appointments, patient monitoring


1. Caring for aging parents has physical, emotional and financial consequences.

a) the primary care given for another human being is a huge undertaking.

b) There is an emotional impact of the changing relationship between the parent and the grown up child.

2. Emotional Consequences ---  role reversal; child's role changes from being the cared for to the care giver; child feels deep sense of loss

3. General Health of Aged Parents --- may require high level of care --- issues of mobility. ability to take a shower on their own

4. Financial burden on care giver --- family members and parents too should be sensitive to needs of care giver.

5. Challenging task but rewarding --- duty to look after parents


1. Hobbies are more necessary for busy people than for the average person.

2. Advantage of Hobbies:

a) They provide work - free and responsibility - free time.

b) They provide 'eustress' - healthy kind of stress

c) They are challenging, exiting, fun

d) They are beneficial for health and provide freedom from stress; they lower blood pressure and levels of depression

e) Some hobbies involve group activities, such as golfing; social support, friends joy in life


1. Performance in the exam is affected by one's state of mind --- it is important to be calm and relaxed

(a) Proper time management   (b) neat presentation of answers

2. Before the exam:

a) should sleep well on the night before the exam

b) keep admit card and stationary ready

c) Locate your seat and settle down

d) Read the question paper carefully

3. During the exam

a) reach examination center well in time

b) read the question paper calmly

c) start with easy questions

d) write all bits of a question in one place

e) revise the paper


General Knowledge is the knowledge of every aspect of human life. It covers various domains of knowledge

1. Domains of General Knowledge:

 -arts   -discovery   -games   -politics   -films   -medicine   -history

2. Main branches of general knowledge

-current affairs   -fashion  -family   -physical health  -recreation

-arts and science

Advantages of improving general knowledge:  

a) Helps us to grow on a personal and academic level

b) Increases our confidence

c) Enables us to win over people

d) Enables success in competitive exams

Ways to improve General Knowledge:

a) Reading newspaper

b) Listening to news channels

c) Participating in quizzes


There are some guidelines one should follow to do well in an interview:

a) Read about the job requirements and the company before the interview.

b) In the interviews first

(i) standing straight     (ii) making eye contact  

(iii) connecting with a firm handshake

c) Good communication

(i) not limited to verbal expression   (ii)but includes listening skills

d) Be will-groomed and wear formal clothes

e) Demonstrate confidence at the interview through one's physical gestures and bearing.

e) Use polite nd respectful language.

f) Listen carefully to the interviewers and demonstrate interests in the company.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Senior Inter: Letter

Write a letter to the Collector requesting him to take necessary steps to close the unused open borewells which pose a big threat to children.

Fathima Begum


Bharath Towers


18th November 2020


The District Collector




     It is humbly submitted to your esteemed notice to focus kind attention on non closing of the unused open borewells at various places across the district.

     It is observed that a noticeable number of borewells are being dug for agriculture purpose in the fields. Unfortunately certain borewells are not successful. The farmer of such borewells leaving them open. Consequently some innocent children are found to be victims to the open borewells. It is so pathetic that some children are dying by falling into the open borewells.

    I sincerely request you to frame stringent rules and instruct the authorities concerned while issuing permission for the farmers for the digging of borewells regarding certain safety measures.

Yours faithfully



Write a letter to the Tahsildar to restore your village tank (lake) under "Mission Kakatiya".


Ramana Murthy

H. No. 1-11/A

S.R. Nagar


18th November


The Tahsildar




     I wish to bring to your kind notice that our village tank name "KONDA CHERUVU" is an old one, which was built during the reign of Rudrama Devi. It is known that this tank has fulfilled the agriculture and domestic needs of Mahabubnagar and surrounding villages.

    In due course of time, the tank was neglected. As a result to irrigational capacity is declined and ground water is depleted leading to low agriculture output.

    Recently, the government of Telangana has launched "Mission Kakatiya" aimed at minor irrigation sources hence I request you to include our village tank "KONDA CHERUVU" under "Mission Kakatiya".

     Thanking you Sir,

Yours faithfully




Monday, 16 November 2020

B. Tech I Year English: Prepositions


I. Prepositions of place and direction:

To, at, from, on, off, in, into, out of, inside, within, by, under, above, below, behind, in front of, over, up, down, off, between, around, among, from, away, through, across, along, throughout etc.

=> We use in when something is around all sides....

Eg: in the college, in Delhi, in a town, in the water

=> We use on for a surface....

Eg: on your door, on the wall, on the ground floor

=> We use at for a point in space...

Eg: at school, at the door, at home, at the station

      We use prepositions up, down, along, across, round, through, from, to with verbs of motion to express movement.

      We drove along lovely woods

                      around the Tank bund

                      through the village

                      from Hyderabad to Bangalore.

2. Prepositions of time

Some common prepositions of time that tell us When? are...

 at, on, in, after, before, for, since, till during, by etc.

 => We use at for the point of shorter time...

Eg: at 4 p.m. ,  at that time, at night

 The flight leaves at 3 a.m.

=> We use on for day and dates 

Eg: on Tuesday, on that day, on 9th August

My daughter will come here on Sunday.

=> in for weeks, months, for parts of the day...

Eg: in January, in that week, in that month, in that year 

The syllabus will be completed in February..

=> We use on time to mean at the appointed/ planned time.

Eg: The function has started on time.

=> In time is used to mean soon enough/early enough.

Eg: We reached the airport in time to catch the flight.

=> We use until  to say that a situation will continue up to a certain moment.

Eg: My sister will stay here until the year end.  

=> We use since to say when something has begun to happen; it is used only with the present perfect tense.

Eg: They have played since morning.

=> for to say how long something has happened.

Eg: It has rained for two hours.

=> During to say when something has happened/ will happen.

Eg: The accident must have occurred during the night.

3. Prepositions of divergent  relations. We use by

i) to say something will happen at/before a certain moment.

Eg: He should leave by 9 a.m./ by Monday / by next month.

ii ) in the Passive voice.

Eg: The case was argued by an eminent lawyer.

iii) to indicate mode of action.

Eg: He has improved English by reading newspaper.

iv) to indicate mode of transport

Eg: We went to Delhi by air

v) to mean, way (in place of 'through')

Eg: The thief escaped by a small lane.


=> to indicate period of time


for ten days;

for four years

=> to indicate reason/ cause

Eg: He was punished for his offence.

=> to indicate purpose

Eg: You should read books for gaining knowledge.

=> We use TO

i) to indicate time with from.... to

Eg: Our college timings are from 10am to 4.30pm

ii) to indicate destination

Eg: They are going to the USA

iii) to indicate purpose

Eg: We must practice yoga to keep ourselves healthy. 

=> We use FROM

i) to indicate time with from.... to

Eg: Our college timings are from 10am to 4.30pm

ii) to indicate point of origin/sources

Eg: Krishna is from Tamilnadu.

=>The possessive preposition OF.

i) We use of with nouns referring to feelings

     Love of animals is a good habit.

ii) We use of to say something belongs to someone/something.

   He is lying on the floor of the living room.

iii) We use of with quantifiers

  They make a lot of mistakes

iv) We use of to say someone/ something has a particular quality.

   Sravan is a man of his word.

   Shruthi is a girl of great intelligence.

v) We use of in front of a number to indicate age.

     an old man of ninety nine met with an accident

vi) We use of with possessive pronouns to qualify a noun group. 

     She was an old friend of mine.

     a student of mine

    a poem of Rabindranath Tagore

Prepositions in questions.

We use prepositions at the end of questions sometimes.

What are you thinking about? 



He ran across the road

Ravi Kumar was at the foot of the tree.

Mayuri stood beside the door.


Amaresh came at 6 O' clock

You must return before sunset.

Lavanya stayed for a month


It came by post.

Girija cut it with a knife.            

4.Reason and purpose:
Mr. Goud trembled with anger.

Latha died of fever.

Exercise is good for health.

Delhi is the capital of India.
I saw a boy with red hair
He is a man of principles.

6.Direction and Motion:
Mr. Raghu fell into the well
Rani walked towards the market.
He climbed up the tree.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Non-Detail: 3. My Elder Brother

                  My Elder Brother

                               -Munshi Premchand

1. Describe the elder brother's attitude to his study.

A:- 'My Elder Brother' is an endearing story about two brothers who differ in their approach to studies. The elder brother, who is fourteen, takes his studies very seriously. He believes that every single moment should be devoted to the study of some subject or the other. He frowns upon relaxation and recreation. He works especially hard during examinations. He gets up at four in the morning and studies till ten in the night without taking any rest. The only diversion he allows himself is to draw pictures of sparrows, cats and dogs on the margins of his notebooks. The irony, however, is that the elder brother fails in every class. Yet he thinks that the foundation is getting stronger. He constantly scolds his younger brother and advises him to concentrate on his studies.

2.The younger brother loves to play ands studies whenever he feels it necessary. Yet he passes his examinations. Explain.

A:- 'My Elder Brother' is an endearing story about two brothers who differ in their approach to studies. The elder brother, who is fourteen, takes his studies very seriously. He constantly goads his younger brother to study. The younger brother, who is nine, is playful and fun loving. HE finds it difficult to study continuously even for an hour. He can not resist going out and enjoying the open air and the green fields. He draws up a timetable for studies. But he is able to follow it for only a day or two. He studies only when it is absolutely necessary. Ironically, the elder brother fails in every class while the younger brother passes with flying colors. This shows that focussed study and relaxation yields better results than mindless poring over books.

Monday, 9 November 2020

Non-Detailed : 2. PARIGE


                                                           -Vattikota Alwar Swamy

1.Describe Mallaiah's silent wail in the jail. Why did he cry silently?

A:- 'Parige' is a story that depicts the injustice meted to harijans by people of the upper castes. Mallaiah, a vanthu madiga , is wrongly accused by a landlord of stealing parige. He is sentenced to three months in jail. While in jail Mallaiah comes to know that his ailing, bed-ridden father had died. His sister had been sent to neighbouring village by the police patel as a bonded labourer. No-one knows her whereabouts now. His house is in dilapidated condition. Mallaiah is filled with anguish and despair. His body is racked by sobs but he feels scared to cry loudly. The prison guards could object. Moreover he is so used to a life of oppression that he instinctively tries to suppress his cries.

2.Describe the condition that forced Mallaiah to collect parige late in the night?

A:- 'Parige' is a story that depicts the injustice meted to harijans by people of the upper castes. Mallaiah, a Vanthu madiga, lives in the village of

Khanapuram. He works all day as a messenger and also tries to find additional work as a hired labourer. But what he earns is barely enough to feed his younger sister and his old, bed-ridden father. Often the family would serve. One day Mallaiah returns from work to find that his father's condition is critical. His sister is crying. Mallaiah decides to get something to eat. As he reaches the outskirts of the village he finds that the landlords and hired workers are returning to the village after harvesting the crop. A few leftover stocks of paddy lie on the ground. Mallaiah gathers the parige one by one in the twilight. It is not much. But he is happy that there will be something to eat that night.


Thursday, 5 November 2020



1. Nouns

Notice the common mistakes in the use of nouns

The following Nouns are not used in the plural.

- information, furniture, scenery, poetry, advice, knowledge, news, politics, alphabet, imagery, luggage, diesel, petrol, water, rice, sugar, tea, coffee, weather, climate, atmosphere etc.

=> Rewrite the following sentences correcting the underlined parts. The first one is done for you.

1. Your informations are wrong.

    Your information is wrong.

2. He has bought expensive furnitures. (W) 

    He has bought expensive furniture. (R)

3. Children should learn the alphabets with joy.(W)

    Children should learn the alphabet with joy.(R)

4. He has deep knowledges of various fields.(W)

    He has deep knowledge of various fields.(R)

5. The sceneries of Darjeeling are very beautiful.(W)

    The scenery of Darjeeling is very beautiful.(R)

=> Some nouns are always used in the plural.

Some of them are: surroundings, police, premises, savings, innings, goods, thanks etc.

Correct the underlined parts.

1. Keep your surrounding clean(W)

    Keep your surroundings clean.(R)

2. The police has caught the smugglers.(W)

    The police have caught the smugglers.(R)

3. This good is an imported one.(W)

    These goods are imported one.(R)

4. We must express thank to those who help us(W)

     We must express thanks to those who help us.            (R)

 => Some nouns are plural in form but they are used as singular.

Some of them are: Economics, Physics, Civics, Gymnastics, Athletics, Politics, News, Series etc.

Correct the underlined parts.

1. Economics are an interesting subject.

    Economics is an interesting subject.

2. Athletics are an interesting sport.

    Athletics is an interesting sport.

3. The news of the earthquake have spread like            wildfire.

    The news of the earthquake has spread like              wildfire

Uncountable nouns are not used in the plural.

Correct the underlined words.

4. Ocean sands are not used for construction.(W)

    Ocean sand is not used for construction.(R)

5. C.V. Raman's Knowledges of all branches of            physics are abnormal

    C.V. Raman's Knowledge of all branches of              physics is abnormal

Some Nouns and their correct use

     Wrong                              Right

Cousin brother/sister          Cousin

brother-in-laws                   Brothers-in-law

Sister-in-laws                      Sisters-in-law

Man-servants                      Men-servants

Poultries                              Poultry

Sheeps                                 Sheep

Now, correct the mistakes in the following sentences and rewrite them.

1. Both my brother-in-laws are working in the              USA.

    Both my brothers-in-law are working in the              USA.

2. There is a scarcity of man-servants nowadays.

    There is a scarcity of men-servants nowadays.

3. Mouses have spoiled the crop.

    Mice have spoiled the crop.

4. My cousin brother is a doctor.

    My cousin is a doctor.

II. Pronouns (agreement)

One of, each of, either of, neither of etc.  are always followed a Plural nouns or pronouns. When they are taken as the Subject of a sentence, they are followed by a singular verb.

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

1. One of my class mates are a doctor.

    One of my class mate is a doctor.

2. Neither of the girl are absent.

    Neither of the girl is absent.

3. One should look after her parents.

    One should look after one's parents.

4. The two player blamed one another for their            defeat.

    The two players blamed each other for their              defeat.

5. Each of them were given a gift.

    Each of them was given a gift.

6. Yourself are responsible for your future.

    You are responsible for your future.

7. He and me are brothers.

    He and I are brothers.

III. Adjectives

1. She is more shorter than her brother.

    She is shorter than her brother.

2. Everest is the most highest of all the mountains        in the world.  

    Everest if highest of all the mountains in the            world.

3. Gandhi is more truthful than any political leader.

    Gandhi is more truthful than any other political        leader.

IV. Articles

1. You must eat an fruit daily.

    You must eat a fruit daily.

2. Suma is an popular anchor.

    Suma is a popular anchor.

3. I waited for a hour.

    I waited for an hour.

4. Bring five dozens oranges and distribute them to      the students.

    Bring five dozen oranges and distribute them to        the students.

5. Sun rises in east.

    The sun rises in the east.

6. Do you like to play violin?

    Do you like to play the violin.


1. He is visiting the library daily.

    He visits the library daily.

2. He is interested to do a job.

    He is interested in doing a job.

3. When he was trying to explain the problem, his        friend disturbs him.

    When he was trying to explain the problem, his        friend disturbed  him.


1. I am too happy to meet you   

    I am very happy to meet you

2. The tiffin is very hot to eat

    The tiffin is too hot to eat

3. He walks very fastly

    He walks very fast


1. Unity is important between people.

    Unity is important among people.

2. The property was divided between the four              brothers.

    The property was divided among the four                brothers.

3. Every one congratulated her for her wonderful


    Every one congratulated her on her wonderful




1.They asked me what was my name.

   They asked me what my name was.

2. I am forty years.

    I am forty. / I am forty years old

3. My friends made me to stay here.              

    My friends made me stay here.

4. It is raining since yesterday.

    It has been raining since yesterday.

5. I am good in English.

    I am good at English.


               Footprints in the Sand

 Question and Answers

1. Explain where and when the speaker notices two sets of footprints.

A: 'Footprints in the Sand' is a moving poem about the boundless compassion of the Lord. One night the speaker has a dream. She is walking along the beach with her lord. The sky above them is dark. Scenes from her life appear in the sky one after the other. The speaker observes that for each scene or incident in her life there are two sets of footprints in the sand. One set belongs to her and the other to the Lord. The speaker feels reassured that God is a constant companion. He never leaves her side. She is filled with courage and confidence at the knowledge that she is never alone.

2. Narrate what the Lord says to His precious child about that one set of footprints.

A: 'Footprints in the Sand' is a moving poem about the boundless compassion of the Lord. In her dream the speaker observes that for each incident in her life there are two sets of footprints in the sand. One set belongs to her and the other to the Lord. But she notices that during the saddest times of her life there is only one pair of footprints. She is deeply disturbed. Her Lord had abandoned her at the times when she had most needed Him. She asks the Lord the reason. The Lord turns to her with infinite compassion. He calls her a precious child. He says that He will always love her and will never leaved her. He will always be at her side, especially during difficult times. He had never abandoned her in times of grief. In fact, at such times, he had carried her. The single pair of footprints she had seen were not her but His.


1. For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,

Reference: This line is taken from the poem 'Footprints in the Sand' written by Mary Stevenson.

Context: The poem is a moving narration about the boundless compassion of the Lord.

Explanation: One night the speaker has a dream. She is walking along the beach with her Lord. The sky above them is dark. Scenes from her life appear in the sky one after the other. The speaker observes that for each scene or incident in her life there are two sets of footprints in the sand. One set belongs to her and the other to the Lord. The speaker feels reassured that God is a constant companion.

General Relevance: God always loves and protects those who seek refuge in Him.

2.especially at the very lowest and saddest times,

  there was only one set  of footprints.

Reference: This line is taken from the poem 'Footprints in the Sand' written by Mary Stevenson.

Context: The poem is a moving narration about the boundless compassion of the Lord.

Explanation: In her dream, the speaker observes that for scene or incident in her life there are two set of footprints in the sand. One set belongs to her and the other one to the Lord. But she noticed that during saddest times of her life there is only one pair of footprints. She deeply disturbed and distressed. She wonders why her Lord had abandoned her during the times when she had most needed him.

General Relevance: God always loves and protects those who seek refuge inhim.

3.When you saw only one set of footprints 

   It was then that I carried you'

Reference: This line is taken from the poem 'Footprints in the Sand' written by Mary Stevenson.

Context: The poem is a moving narration about the boundless compassion of the Lord.

Explanation: In her dreams the speaker observes that for each incident in her life there are two set of footprints in the sand one set belongs to her and other to the Lord. But, during the saddest times of her life there is only one pair of footprints in the sand. She is deeply disturbed and distressed. She thinks that her Lord had abandoned her during difficult times. Upset she questions him. The Lord turns to her with infinity compassion. He says he had never abandoned her in times of grief. In fact, at such times, he had carried her. The single pair of footprints where not hers but his.

General Relevance: God always loves and protects who seeks refuge in Him. But we may not understand his ways.

Monday, 2 November 2020

Formal letters

 1. Write a letter to the principle of your college requesting him to issue your transfer, bonafide and conduct certificates.

S. Venkata Krishna

H.No. 2-24

Sai Nagar


3rd November 2020


The Principle

Viswa Vikas Junior College




    I, S .Venkata Krishna, wish to submit that I was a student of CEC English Medium in your college during the years 2018-2020. I passed Intermediate in March , 2020 with 88% marks. I have secured a rank in 144 rank in CA Entrance and wish to study in a reputed college in Hyderabad.

   In view of my Engineering admission, I am in need of my Intermediate transfer, bonafide and conduct certificates. I have cleared all the dues in the college. Hence I request you sir, to instruct the needed certificates at the earliest possible time.

  Thanking you, Sir,

Yours obediently



Letter :

 Write a letter to the publisher of a book house, asking him to send you the required study material for EAMCET.


A-1-77, Seven Hills

Manasa Nagar


11 November 2020


Kranthi Book House



Dear sir


       I shall be obliged if you send the following TSEAMCET study material to me by V.P.P., at your earliest convience.

          1. Mathematics Volume I and II

          2. R.K. Handbook of Physics

          3. A Guide to EAMCET  CHEMISTRY by A.P.Singh

Yours sincerely





Role play:   Roleplay is the act of imitating the character and behavior of someone who is different from yourself, for example as a trainin...